A Tesla in every plug

The new Model 3 by the numbers

In the event that you haven’t heard, Tesla Chairman and CEO Elon Musk introduced the new, more affordable Model 3 at the company’s much anticipated “unveil event” on March 31, 2016. By the numbers:

Model S

  • 35,000 – the Model 3 base price in USD
  • 345 – how far you can drive on a single charge, based on USEPA measurement protocols

Charging network

  • 3,600 – number of Tesla superchargers installed worldwide (to reach 7,200 by end of 2017)
  • 15,000 – number of destination chargers installed by end of 2017 (at hotels, restaurants and shopping centres)


  • 500,000 – how many cars the Tesla factory in Fremont, California, will need to produce annually to meet its sales targets
  • 100 – the percentage of current global production of lithium ion batteries that Tesla will effectively absorb to meet its vehicle production targets
  • 50 – the summed energy storage capacity, in GWh, of all the batteries that must be built in Tesla’s “Gigafactory” in Nevada each year to support the company’s vehicle production

Delivery is anticipated by the end of 2017. At the time of writing, Tesla reported that orders surpassed US$10 billion in the first 36 hours.

  • Photo:  Elon Musk at Tesla’s Model 3 “unveil event” on March 31, 2016 (Stephen Lam/Reuters in Business Insider).